Masters in Counselling Psychology

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About Program

Our mission at GAU Psychology is to equip students with skills that matter for their future careers based on the personal strengths and interests of the students. Psychology comes in two basic forms: research and applied. Psychology aims to understand scientifically how people develop, think and learn, feel and relate to one another. Psychology also aims to help solve problems that may arise in personal, inter-personal, group and organizational life. At GAU, we provide training for both branches of psychology. For our B.Sc. degree, our department offers a unique two track program depending on the undergraduate’s needs. After two years of foundational courses in psychology that build both research and applied skills, students who are more interested in research – and post-doctoral research-based degrees – take courses that lead to a final year research thesis. For those who want to take up a profession in an applied branch of psychology – such as clinical, forensic, educational or counselling psychology – courses are taken that develop the relevant skills and there is opportunity for an internship with a professional practice.


The GAU Psychology department offers three postgraduate studies: an MSc in Applied Social Psychology, an MSc in Health Psychology and MSc in Psychological Counselling and Guidance. The MSc in Applied Social Psychology has both general and forensic specializations.


The Psychology Department is an approved by YOK in Turkey. The graduation certificate is equivalent to the European Psychology Certificate (EuroPsy). All courses in Psychology department are in English.


Career Opportunities

Title of Graduates:


Students who completed four year undergraduate level will gain “psychologist”  title and the students who received master degree will be called “specialized psychologist” in the sub field of psychology which they choose to complete their M.S. degree.


Carreer Opportunities:


Beside mastery of the concepts, theory, and methods of psychology, research technique and psychological perspectives, four year Psychology program also provides basic understanding and empathy that characterizes the competent professional in psychology area. Therefore program provides a wide range of job opportunities.  Psychology graduates have a wide range of job opportunities; they can work at human resources departments, hospitals, psychology laboratuars, private clinics, industry, schools, prisons etc.  Additionally program equips students to be able to do and provides opportunity for master programs to be scientists, academicians in psychology area.



Departmental Courses

Year 1
Fall Semester
PSY101 Introduction to Psychology I CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY103 Elemntary Mathematics CR:(1,2)3 ECTS:8
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:8
EGL101 Development of Reading Skills CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:3
COMP103 Introduction to Computer and Information Systems CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:3
TURK001 Turkish I CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:2
Spring Semester
PSY102 Introduction to Psychology II CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY104 English for Psychology CR:(1,2)3 ECTS:8
SOC104 Introduction to Sociology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:8
EGL102 Development of Writing Skills CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:3
COMP104 Computer Applications CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:3
TURK002 Turkish II CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:2
Year 2
Fall Semester
PSY211 Research Design in Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:7
PSY213 Critical Thinking CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY251 Social Psychology I CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY221 Developmental Psychology I CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
CS201 Communication Skills I CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:3
NH001 National History I CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:2
Spring Semester
PSY204 Biological Bases of Behavior CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:6
PSY218 Statistics and Research Methods I CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:7
PSY240 Clnical Psychology I CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY284 Experimental Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
CS202 Communication Skills II CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:3
NH002 National History II CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:2
Year 3
Fall Semester
PSY321 Cognitive Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY331 Testing and Measurement CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY337 Industrial and Organizational Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY361 Personality and Its Assessment CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY301 Pre-Dissertation Elective CR:(3,3)6 ECTS:6
Spring Semester
PSY312 Ethics and History of Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:8
PSY338 Health Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY344 Clnical Psychology II CR:(3,3)6 ECTS:10
PSY348 Counseling and Psychotherapy CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
Year 4
Fall Semester
PSY001 Internship CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:2
PSY401 Final Dissertation I CR:(3,3)6 ECTS:10
PSY476 Criminology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY471 Psychopharmacology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY470 Special Topics in Applied Social Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
Spring Semester
PSY402 Final Dissertation II CR:(3,3)6 ECTS:12
PSY477 Special Topics in Experimental Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY478 Special Topics in Applied Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY479 Introduction to Human Sexuality CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
Elective Courses
PSY341 Environmental Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY342 Psychopathology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY345 Psychology of Adjustment CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY347 Psychology of Ageing CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY380 Educational and School Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY382 Cross Cultural Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY449 Gender Issues CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY451 Drugs and Individual Behavior CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY455 Child Abuse CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY460 Forensic Psychology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY467 Developmental Psychopathology CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY318 Statistics and Research Methods II CR:(2,4)6 ECTS:12
PSY322 Developmental Psychology II CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6
PSY352 Social Psychology II CR:(2,1)3 ECTS:6

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