Masters in Construction Management

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Departmental Courses

Year 1
Fall Semester
CMGT515 Research Methods CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
TELXXX Technical Elective CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
TELXXX Technical Elective CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
CMGT501 Construction Management CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:10
Spring Semester
CMGT502 Project Planning & Scheduling CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:10
TELXXX Technical Elective CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
TELXXX Technical Elective CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
Year 2
Fall Semester
CMGT506 Seminar in Thesis Research CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:10
CMGT591 Thesis Preparation CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:20
Spring Semester
CMGT592 Thesis in Construction Management CR:(0,0)0 ECTS:30
Elective Courses
CMGT575 Intermediate Energy Management CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
CMGT579 Intermediate Sustainable Concrete Construction CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
CMGT564 Intermediate Pavement Management System CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
CMGT515 Intermediate Construction Contracting CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
CMGT578 Intermediate Sustainable Development CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8
CMGT503 Intermediate Computer Application in Building Projects CR:(3,0)3 ECTS:8

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What Will You Learn?

  • The Master of Science in Construction Management program in Girne American University offers technical knowledge and administrational skills that are required for running a construction project including planning, budgeting and controlling processes, with a special focus on environmental issues, public welfare, costumer satisfaction and rapid technological developments that have impact on the way business practices are conducted. The program is based on recent trends and developments in the sector, which can be summarized as:
  • • Increase in the use of computerised management information and control systems.
  • • Greater use of new technologies in construction.
  • • Complexity of project equipment and market share.
  • • More use of industrialised building systems and components.
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